Income insurance protects your income if you unexpectedly can’t work due to injury or illness.
It’s an easy way to help protect your financial future, and ensure your lifestyle and family are protected in any event.

Can a Diamond cutter get income protection insurance?
Diamond cutters work with dangerous blades in their work. Improper use of equipment can cause blade breakage and lead to serious injury. Diamond cutters are prone to eye injuries, hearing loss, cuts, and respiratory issues. Diamond cutters can qualify for third-class income protection.
Status: moderate risk-insurable
Can a Diamond polisher get income protection insurance?
Diamond polishers use intricate tools to polish diamonds. They sand down diamonds using a wheel cutter, which is a dangerous tool. While diamond polishing is less dangerous than diamond cutting. Diamond polishers are prone to chronic pain and small cuts due to the nature of their work. Polishers can receive second-class income insurance.
Status: mild risk- insurable
Can Die caster get income protection insurance?
Die casting can be a dangerous occupation. Die casters face risks in the form of burns caused by molten metal, breathing in submicronic smoke, and cuts and abrasions from casting. As die casters are at risk of injury and threats to income, die casters qualify for fourth-class income protection.
Status: high risk- insurable
Can a Draftsperson get income protection insurance?
A draftsperson generally works within an office space or studio to create building design and architectural plans. Those in the occupation work within safe conditions with little threat to their income. A draftsperson can qualify for first-class income protection.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can a Dressmaker get income protection insurance?
Dressmakers generally work in safe conditions, in a studio or in the home. However, dressmakers can suffer injury from their equipment (scissors, sewing machines, needles, etc). Injuries like cuts and abrasions are common for dressmakers. Dressmakers often suffer from chronic pain like back strain and arthritis. Due to these health and safety risks, dressmakers qualify for second-class income protection.
Status: mild risk- insurable
Can a Factory manager (no manual work) get income protection insurance?
Factory managers who do not engage in manual work operate in safe conditions, generally within an office space or managing on the floor. As they do not engage with dangerous machinery or factory equipment factory managers qualify for first-class income protection.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can a Factory manager (some manual work) get income protection insurance?
Factory workers who partake in some manual work are more open to health and safety hazards, working with dangerous machinery and with electrical equipment that could cause injury. Factory managers who engage in some manual work qualify for third-class protection.
Status: moderate risk- insurable
Can a Factory worker get income protection insurance?
Slip and trip workplace accidents, fires, and chemical exposures are all common accidents within factories. Working with heavy machinery, working within confined spaces, and dealing with hazardous materials means factory workers face a number of threats to their health and income. Factor workers qualify for third-class income protection as a result.
Status: moderate risk- insurable
Can a Foundry worker get income protection insurance?
Foundry workers do not qualify for income protection due to the hazards of their day-to-day work. Foundry workers are often exposed to harmful substances such as formaldehyde, phenol, acid fumes, and led. Foundry workers have a high risk of heat injuries working with molten, and injuries like strains, fractures, and broken bones from working with dangerous equipment like heavy machinery. Due to the high number of risks involved in the occupation, foundry workers cannot qualify for income protection.
Status: Declined: uninsurable
Can a General operative get income protection insurance?
General operatives generally work in warehouses handling packaging and shipping orders. They face a number of workplace hazards on the job, such as falling from a height, strain from heavy lifting, and injuries from warehouse equipment. These high risks mean that general operatives can qualify fourth class income insurance.
Status: high risk- insurable
Can a Metal Fabricator get income protection insurance?
Metal fabricators are involved in the manufacturing of metal structures, via cutting, bending, and assembling processes. This is a risky job due to the dangerous equipment and material used. Metal Fabricators are at risk of injuring themselves, and members of the public or causing accidental damage to property. Metal fabricators can receive fourth-class income insurance.
Status: high risk- insurable
Can a Metal polisher get income protection insurance?
Metal polishers are responsible for finishing metallic surfaces and removing any defects. This requires the use of abrasive machinery and power tools. Metal polishers are at risk of injury to their own person or damage to property during the course of their work. In addition, claims can be made against a metal polisher after the sale of a product deemed unsafe or faulty. A metal polisher can avail of fourth-class income insurance.
Status: high risk- insurable
Can a Roustabout get income protection insurance?
A roustabout is a form of a manual labourer, who works on oil or gas rigs unloading supplies and maintaining relevant equipment. This is an extremely physically demanding job that typically requires long working hours. The oil and gas manufacturing industries are inherently risky and physical injury to employees is common. In addition, diseases such as arthritis or lung disease can render you unable to work at all. For these reasons, a roustabout is declined from attaining any income insurance.
Status: declined- uninsurable
Can a Saw Mill Worker get income protection insurance?
Saw Mill Workers are declined income insurance. Saw Mill Workers are involved in the manufacturing of lumber and wooden products. The use of heavy machinery, falling trees and logs, and manual handling risks such as loading trucks leave Saw Mill Workers at extreme risk for job site accidents, such as personal injury or damage to equipment and products. In addition, raw lumbar material is highly flammable with nearby electrical equipment posing a fire hazard.
Status: declined- uninsurable
Can a Sewing Machinist get income protection insurance?
Sewing Machinists manufacture items such as clothes and soft furnishings. This job poses moderate risks to the employee. Personal injuries from the sewing needle or electrical shocks from exposed wires or uncovered cords can be common. Many machines will require the user to push a pedal to activate the sewing mechanism, over time this increases the prevalence of arthritis or injury to the hip, knee, and ankle of the Sewing Machinist. A Sewing Machinist can avail of class three income insurance.
Status: moderate risk- insurable
Can a Steel Fabricator get income protection insurance?
A Steel Fabricator’s job duties involve the manufacturing of steel structures, by cutting and assembling metal pieces. This job is risky due to the use of dangerous equipment and heavy material. Steel Fabricators are at risk of serious injury to themself, members of the public, or accidental damage to property during manufacture. Steel Fabricators can receive fourth-class income insurance.
Status: high risk- insurable
Can a Turner get income protection insurance?
A Turner works in a factory and is responsible for assembling and manufacturing metal pieces to construct industrial machines. This is an inherently risky role and a Turner is in danger of personal injury from operating heavy and dangerous machinery. In addition, injury to others in the factory grounds or damage to equipment is possible when at work. Due to these risks, a Turner can avail of fourth-class income insurance.
Status: high risk- insurable
Can a Venetian Blind Maker get income protection insurance?
A Venetian Blind Maker’s job entails assembling materials and manufacturing Venetian blinds using power tools. There is a moderate risk of personal injury when using any power tools or hand tools on the worker. In addition, accidents have been reported by clients after purchase of Venetian Blinds, most seriously strangulation. Legal claims can be made against the Venetian Blind Maker after an injury like this occurs to the client. A Venetian Blind Maker qualifies for third-class income insurance.
Status: moderate risk- insurable
Can a Wood Turner get income protection insurance?
A Wood Turner manufactures and shapes wooden furniture or items such as tables, chairs, and toys. Typically, this work requires the operation of a wood-turning lathe to shape and round the wooden products. Operating heavy and potentially dangerous machinery leaves a wood turner at risk of personal injury. Accidental harm to others in the factory or damage to equipment is a secondary risk. A wood turner can avail of fourth-class income insurance.
Status: high risk- insurable