Income insurance protects your income if you unexpectedly can’t work due to injury or illness.
It’s an easy way to help protect your financial future, and ensure your lifestyle and family are protected in any event.

Can a Business Analyst get income protection insurance?
A business analyst is a business and IT specialist who evaluates technical data and increases business efficiency. Business analysts are in high demand, and typically experience secure incomes with little risk of income loss. Due to the low risks associated with business analysts, they will qualify for first-class protection.
Status: low risk-insurable
Can a Clerical Worker get income protection insurance?
A clerical worker is employed by a variety of companies’ offices, performing all clerical duties such as answering phone calls and messages, scheduling appointments, and filing paperwork. There are some risks associated with clerical work, mainly ergonomic injury due to incorrect posture, inappropriate seating, or computer positions. Long-term straining can result in carpal tunnel syndrome or other musculoskeletal injuries. Clerical workers are awarded first-class income insurance.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can a Commercial Artist get income protection insurance?
A commercial artist creates artwork for advertising and marketing purposes. Commercial artists may be at risk of potential copyright infringement lawsuits, accidental damage to valuable equipment, or damage to an art studio resulting in a loss of income. Also, commercial artists may face the risk of accidental damages during the transport of artwork or theft. There is a mild risk associated with the role of a commercial artist and therefore they can qualify for second-class income insurance.
Status: mild risk- insurable
Can a Company director (no manual work) get income protection insurance?
The role of a company director includes many duties such as overseeing company finances, investments, and general operations. There are very few hazards associated with being a company director, however, long periods of illness can result in loss of income. Company directors are awarded first-class income insurance.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can a Company Director (some manual work) get income protection insurance?
A company director is responsible for overseeing company finances, investments, and general operations. A company director who takes part in the day-to-day operations of the company is exposed to some risks associated with manual work. These change depending on the nature of the company but generally include slips, trips, and falls, and manual handling injuries. A company director with some manual work is granted third-class income insurance.
Status: moderate risk- insurable
Can a Computer Applications Programmer get income protection insurance?
A computer applications programmer writes code, creating software applications that are used in computers. Since technology is constantly changing, computer application programmers typically have long working hours either in offices or remotely. The main job hazard for computer application programmers is ergonomic injury due to poor posture or chair position. Long hours of muscular straining can result in injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome or tendinitis. Overall, computer application programmers have a low risk of income loss, they qualify for first-class income insurance.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can a Computer Operator get income protection insurance?
A computer operator is responsible for controlling computer hardware and software systems and troubleshooting. A computer operator will typically have long sedentary working hours, and may sometimes be required to work night or weekend shifts. Long periods of sitting can cause ergonomic injury if the posture, seating facilities, or computer position is incorrect. Otherwise, computer operators are not at a higher risk of personal illness or income loss. Computer operators can apply for first-class income insurance.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can an Editor (publishing) get income protection insurance?
Editors are sedentary workers who generally work within safe conditions. While editors are opened up to a number of ergonomic risks such as eye strain and hand or back pain, editing is deemed a safe occupation, and those in the career qualify for first-class income protection.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can an Estate Agent get income protection insurance?
Estate agents are generally sedentary workers, making occasional trips to conduct viewings. Estate agents are not known to come into contact with many health and safety hazards or any major threats to their income on the job. Considering the low level of risk involved, estate agents qualify for first-class income protection.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can an Estate Manager get income protection insurance?
Managing the day-to-day operations on an estate can get hectic. However, the job is considered safe, containing a large number of administrative and sedentary managerial tasks. Considering the low level of risk involved in estate management, those in the field qualify for the highest level (first-class) of income protection insurance.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can a Graphic Designer get income protection insurance?
Graphic designers are generally sedentary workers, working within offices, or home studios. While graphic designers may face some ergonomic risks throughout their careers such as chronic pain from static working positions or repetitive tasks, the occupations are relatively safe with little to no health and safety hazards involved. Considering the low level of risks involved in graphic designing, those in the career qualify for first-class income protection.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can a Human Resources Manager get income protection insurance?
Human resource managers are key workers within the workplace, ensuring strong employee relations. The occupation is generally sedentary and does not involve a high level of physical activity, reducing the risk of a health and safety accident. Due to the low level of risk involved in the job, human resource managers qualify for first-class income protection insurance.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can an Insurance Broker get income protection insurance?
Insurance brokers are considered white-collar workers who do not come into contact with many occupational hazards or threats to their income. Considering the low level of risk involved in the job, insurance brokers qualify for first-class income protection insurance.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can an IT Consultant get income protection insurance?
IT consultants tend to work in sedentary conditions, with the exception of those making house calls or out-of-office consultations. IT consultants can also experience a number of ergonomic risks from repetitive movements and carrying out work in uncomfortable positions. However, as such careers continue to expand, so are the guidelines on deterring such risks. Considering this low level of risk, IT consultants can avail of first-class income protection.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can an IT Technician get income protection insurance?
IT technicians work in wide-ranging circumstances, with both computer software and hardware. Generally speaking, the work of an IT technician is relatively low risk and takes place within safe conditions, in an office, or within a client’s home. While there may be electrical hazards working with hardware, the risks are minimal. Considering this low level of risk, IT technicians qualify for first-class income protection insurance.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can a Journalist get income protection insurance?
Journalism is a versatile career that comprises a wide number of tasks, all on a spectrum of occupational hazards. For example, investigative journalists often work undercover or within dangerous circumstances to investigate a story. However, a large portion of journalism work takes place in safe conditions within an office. To account for the varying level of risk involved in journalism, those in the profession qualify for second-class income protection insurance.
Status: mild risk- insurable
Can a Management Consultant get income protection insurance?
Management consultants are expert advisors on all aspects of the business. Their work is generally sedentary, taking place with an office or consultancy firm. Management consultants are generally medium-high earners who face little threat to their income. Considering the low level of risk involved in management consultancy, those in the profession qualify for first-class income protection.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can a Managing Director (some manual work) get income protection insurance?
Managing directors work at the top level of a company to ensure smooth running operations. The career is often highly stressful and those in the profession who also engage in manual work can open themselves up to a number of occupational hazards. Considering the level of risk involved in being a managing director, those in the profession qualify for third-class income protection.
Status: moderate risk- insurable
Can a Market Research Analyst get income protection insurance?
Market research analysts analyse both desk and field research in order to draw conclusions. While market researchers work with both field and desk research, their job is primarily sedentary and generally takes place in safe conditions, within an office space. Considering the low level of risk involved in market research analysis, those in the profession qualify for first-class income protection insurance.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can a Market Trader get income protection insurance?
Market traders engage in a wide range of activities including administration, sales, stocktake, and a large number of managerial duties. The scope of their work means that market traders are often open to a number of occupational hazards. For example, working with collapsable materials or lifting heavy stock can result in injury. To account for these risks, market traders qualify for third-class income protection insurance.
Status: moderate risk- insurable
Can a Marketing Manager get income protection insurance?
Marketing managers often work in high-stress environments managing marketing teams and carrying out top-level responsibilities. However, their work generally takes place in safe conditions within an office space. As marketing managers are primarily sedentary workers who do not come into contact with many occupational hazards, those in the profession qualify for first-class income protection insurance.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can an Office Manager get income protection insurance?
Office managers qualify for the highest class (first-class) of income protection insurance. Office managers are generally sedentary workers, operating in workplaces with little to no occupational hazards.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can a Personnel Director get income protection insurance?
Personnel directors operate across a number of different industries and workplaces to manage personnel and administrative systems. While different workplaces can bring different hazards, personnel directors generally operate within safe conditions, mainly within an office or regulated workspace. Considering the low level of risk involved in the occupation, personnel directors qualify for first-class income protection insurance.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can a Programmer get income protection insurance?
Programmers generally work in office settings across large and small businesses. Programmers can face a number of ergonomic risks from sedentary work such as chronic pain or sight damage. However, programming is deemed low risk and those in the occupation can qualify for first-class income protection insurance.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can a Project Manager get income protection insurance?
Project managers qualify for first-class income protection insurance. Project managers work across a number of industries and in varying workplaces, but generally speaking are sedentary workers, operating within office settings. Working in safe workplaces, free from major occupational hazards qualifies project managers for the highest level of income protection.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can a Public Relations officer get income protection insurance?
Public Relations Officers generally work in safe conditions within office or agency settings, carrying out the bulk of their work on computer systems. PR officers (non-agency) can sometimes work in workplaces with higher risk. For example, PR officers for a private health clinic or industrial service may work onsite where there are more occupational hazards. However, these risks are still considered minimal and PR officers qualify for first-class income protection insurance.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can a Publisher get income protection insurance?
Publishers are sedentary workers, operating in safe conditions (office settings). Publishers are generally relatively high-earners who face little threat to their income. Considering this low level of risk, publishers qualify for first-class income protection insurance.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can a Receptionist get income protection insurance?
Receptionists are sedentary workers who carry out a number of service and administrative tasks. The occupation is deemed low risk and receptionists generally work in safe conditions. Considering the low level of risk involved in the occupation, receptionists qualify for first-class income protection insurance.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can a Recruitment Consultant get income protection insurance?
Recruitment consultants are generally sedentary workers, operating in office settings or at home. Recruitment consultants do not generally come into contact with occupational hazards or threats to their income. Considering the low level of risk involved in recruitment consultancy, those in the occupation qualify for first-class income protection insurance.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can a Reporter get income protection insurance?
Reporters carry out both desk and field research in their work. Oftentimes, reporters operate in unsafe conditions to report a story or carry out an investigation. While much of their work is sedentary, the occupational hazards posed by reporting in dangerous circumstances (crime scenes, war zones, etc.) need to be taken into consideration when it comes to income protection insurance. To account for the level of risk involved in reporting, those in the occupation qualify for second-class income protection insurance.
Status: mild risk- insurable
Can a Sales Manager get income protection insurance?
Sales managers are primarily sedentary workers, carrying out day-to-day operations within safe conditions. Sales managers are not known to come into contact with many occupational hazards and are deemed, low-risk workers. Considering the low level of risk involved in sales management, those in the occupation qualify for first-class income protection insurance.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can a Sales Representative get income protection insurance?
Sales representatives often travel to customers on behalf of wholesalers or manufacturers. Their work is varied and is both desk and field-based. Sales representatives may engage in heavy lifting or on-the-road travel which opens them up to a number of safety hazards. Due to their engagement in manual work and a reliance on travelling, sales representatives qualify for second-class income protection insurance.
Status: mild risk- insurable
Can a Secretary get income protection insurance?
Secretaries work in varying workplaces, across a number of industries carrying out administrative and secretarial tasks. Secretary work is generally office-based and carried out within safe conditions. As secretaries come into little contact with occupational hazards, they can qualify for first-class income protection insurance.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can a Software Engineer get income protection insurance?
Software engineering is deemed a low-risk occupation. Software engineers are sedentary workers predominantly operating in office settings Software engineers tend to be relatively high-earners, facing little threat to their income. Considering the low risk involved in software engineering, those in the profession qualify for first-class income protection insurance.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can a Switchboard Operator get income protection insurance?
Switchboard operators generally work at a reception desk or in an office setting. As the role is not physically demanding or open to many occupational hazards, switchboard operators qualify for first-class income protection insurance.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can a Typographer get income protection insurance?
Typographers generally work in safe conditions within a studio or office space. Due to the specificity of their work, typographers can face a number of ergonomic risks from uncomfortable writing positions, eye strain, or repetitive movements. However, their income is generally secure and the health and safety risks are minimal. Taking this into account, those in the occupation qualify for first-class income protection insurance.
Status: low risk- insurable