Income insurance protects your income if you unexpectedly can’t work due to injury or illness.
It’s an easy way to help protect your financial future, and ensure your lifestyle and family are protected in any event.

Can a Barrister get income protection insurance?
Barristers are considered white-collar professionals and qualify for first-class income protection. Barristers generally work within a safe environment and have a safe income.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can a Coroner get income protection insurance?
Coroners work within safe conditions to carry out investigations and inquests. Coroners can attain first-class income insurance as they carry out most of their work safely within a coroner’s office or morgue under safe conditions.
Status: low risk: insurable
Can a Court Bailiff get income protection insurance?
Court bailiffs are tasked with maintaining the security of persons in the courtroom. They are responsible for maintaining order and sometimes have to escort participants from the courtroom. Due to the nature of their work, bailiffs can suffer assaults and various forms of abuse from participants in court. Court bailiffs qualify for third-class income protection due to the risks involved in their work.
Status: moderate risk- insurable
Can a Court Official get income protection insurance?
Court officials oversee and ensure court cases comply with the law. Generally speaking, they work in safe conditions within the courtroom and are not exposed to threats to their income. Court officials will qualify for first-class income protection.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can a Judge get income protection insurance?
Judges qualify for first-class income protection. While they often deal with dangerous cases and criminals in court. Courts are highly secure areas where judges are protected. Judges face little threat to their income.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can a Lawyer get income protection insurance?
Lawyers are white-collar workers who generally have secure incomes and experience little threat to their safety on the job. Due to the low risks involved in lawyering, lawyers qualify for first-class protection.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can Solicitors get income protection insurance?
Solicitors qualify for first-class income protection as solicitors work in safe conditions, generally within an office or in a courtroom. Their income is not prone to many threats and therefore they qualify for the highest level of protection.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can Tax Collectors get income protection insurance?
Tax collectors quality for first-class income insurance. In general tax collecting is a safe job that takes place within a tax office. Tax collectors are sedentary workers who are not prone to health and safety accidents, claims, or other threats to their income.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can Tax Consultants get income protection insurance?
Tax consultants are sedentary workers operating in generally conditions (within a tax office). Considering the low risks involved in tax consultancy, tax consultants qualify for first-class protection.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can Tax Inspectors get income protection insurance?
Tax inspectors face little threat to their income, working in a sedentary and protected career. Due to the low risk involved in tax inspecting, those in the career qualify for the highest level of protection. (first-class protection)
Status: low risk- insurable