Income insurance protects your income if you unexpectedly can’t work due to injury or illness.
It’s an easy way to help protect your financial future, and ensure your lifestyle and family are protected in any event.

Can workers in the Armed Forces get income protection insurance?
Workers in the armed forces are exposed to a high level of occupational risk. Combat-related risks can vary from mental fatigue and illnesses to bodily injuries and even fatalities. Considering these high-risk circumstances, workers in the armed forces cannot qualify for income protection insurance.
Status: declined- uninsurable
Can a Chief Prison Officer (to 55) get income protection insurance?
Chief prison officers face a high level of risk at work. There is a high risk of assault from prisoners which can lead to injuries. Chief prison officers also spend long working hours on their feet monitoring prisoners and staff, which can lead to extreme fatigue, musculoskeletal disorders, and arthritis. To account for such risks, chief prison officers qualify for fourth-class income protection insurance.
Status: High risk- insurable
Can a Civil engineer (no manual work) get income protection insurance?
Civil engineers who do not engage in manual work are predominantly sedentary workers, carrying out managerial and administrative work and monitoring junior staff. There is little risk involved in the occupation and therefore civil engineers who do not engage in manual work can get first-class income protection insurance.
Status: Low risk- insurable
Can a Civil Servant get income protection insurance?
Civil servants work predominantly in office settings and in sedentary circumstances. Civil servants face little to no risk in the workplace and can qualify for the highest level of income protection insurance (first-class).
Status: low risk- insurable
Can a Conservationist get income protection insurance?
Conservationists often work with dangerous animals and landscapes and can suffer injuries, zoonotic and vector-borne diseases, and negative impacts from extreme weather conditions. Taking these risks into account, conservationists can qualify for third-class income protection insurance.
Status: Moderate risk- insurable
Can a Customs and Excise Officer get income protection insurance?
Customs and excise officers operate at a moderate risk level. Customs and excise officers can be exposed to illegal drugs, firearms, and dangerous flora, and fauna, which can endanger their health and safety. Customs and excise officers can qualify for third-class income protection insurance.
Status:moderate risk- insurable
Can an Environmental Health Officer get income protection insurance?
Environmental health officers are responsible for inspecting kitchens and workplaces to ensure they meet health standards. Much of their takes place in an office space where they are exposed to little risk. Considering the low level of risk involved in the job, environmental health officers qualify for first-class income protection insurance.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can an Environmental Health Technician get income protection insurance?
Environmental health technicians’ typical responsibilities include collecting water, soil, waste, and animal matter samples for investigation. Collecting such samples can expose environmental health technicians to zoonotic disease and bacterial and fungal infections. Accounting for these risks, environmental health technicians qualify for second-class income protection insurance.
Status: Mild risk- insurable
Can a Forest Labourer get income protection insurance?
Falling branches and trees, chain saw injuries, falls while working on slippery, uneven terrain, heat stress, exposure to adverse weather conditions, direct skin contact with gasoline, and musculoskeletal disorders are just a few of the hazards that forest workers face on the job. Considering the harsh working conditions faced by forest labourers, those in the occupation do not qualify for income protection insurance.
Status: declined- uninsurable
Can a Garda get income protection insurance?
An Garda Síochána are exposed to a high level of risk. Such risks include violent attacks, exposure to firearms, dangerous drugs, and high-stress environments. Many garda also operate motor vehicles (sometimes at high-speed), which can lead to road accidents. Considering the high level of risk involved in the occupation, a garda cannot get income protection insurance.
Status: declined- uninsurable
Can a Grave Digger get income protection insurance?
Grave diggers face a high level of risk at work. Grave diggers are at risk of slip, trip, and fall accidents, especially in wet weather. Grave diggers use a range of tools and machinery that can prove dangerous, such as shovels and mechanical diggers. Grave diggers also face a number of ergonomic risks, such as working in uncomfortable positions and carrying out repetitive tasks. Considering the high level of risk involved in grave digging, those in the profession do not qualify for income protection insurance.
Status:declined- uninsurable
Can a Health and Safety Officer get income protection insurance?
Health and safety officers work at varying levels of risk depending on the circumstances of their workplace. For example, health and safety officers on construction sites are exposed to a high level of risk, because of dangerous equipment and risks of falling scaffolding. To account for the risks health and safety officers are exposed to, those in the profession qualify for second-class income protection insurance.
Status: Mild risk- insurable
Can a Librarian get income protection insurance?
Librarians are primarily sedentary workers, operating within the safe conditions of a library. Given the low risk involved in the occupation, librarians qualify for first-class income protection insurance.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can a Music Teacher (to 55) get income protection insurance?
Music teachers are exposed to a moderate level of risk. Music teachers are prone to musculoskeletal disorders from repetitive movements and performing in uncomfortable positions. Music teachers may also incur injuries from moving heavy equipment. Music teachers can also suffer hearing damage. Considering these risks, music teachers qualify for third-class income protection insurance.
Status: moderate risk- insurable
Can a Park Keeper get income protection insurance?-
A Park Keeper is employed by local councils to maintain the cleanliness of parks and ensure gates are opened and closed at the appropriate times. Due to the nature of this role, park keepers are often required to approach persons and ask them to leave the park at closing or ask them to stop forbidden activities. This exposes park keepers to the risk of physical assault or verbal abuse by park goers. In addition, cleaning, mowing grass, and repairing park facilities brings a high risk of personal injury. A park keeper can avail of fourth-class income insurance.
Status: high risk- insurable
Can a PE Teacher get income protection insurance?
PE teachers are exposed to a high level of occupational risk. PE teachers work with a number of potentially dangerous gym equipment and perform physical activities like running, lifting, and cycling, which can all cause injury. Considering the high level of risk involved in the job, PE teachers do not qualify for income protection insurance.
Status: declined- uninsurable
Can a Post Sorter get income protection insurance?-
Post sorters are employed by local postal offices to sort and process posted envelopes and packages, preparing them for distribution. Post sorting machines are now used to help fulfill this role, operating these machines comes with the risk of personal injury to a post sorter. In addition, incorrect manual handling can cause musculoskeletal injuries to a post sorter due to the high volume of heavy packages being sorted at these facilities. Considering this high risk, a post sorter can avail of fourth-class income insurance.
Status: High risk- insurable
Can a Post Delivery Person get income protection insurance?
A post delivery person is exposed to a moderate level of occupational risk. To undertake delivery tasks, workers may use a bicycle, motor vehicle, or work on foot. Those who cycle or drive are exposed to the risk of road accidents. A post delivery person may also incur injury from manual handling of mail and parcels. To account for this level of risk, a post delivery person qualifies for third-class income protection insurance.
Status: Moderate risk- insurable
Can a Prison Officer get income protection insurance?
Prison officers are exposed to a great deal of occupational risk. Prison guards are at risk of violent assault from prisoners, injuries from manual handling of cell furniture for room checks, and ergonomic risks such as standing for long periods of time. Considering these risks, prison officers do not qualify for income protection insurance.
Status: declined- uninsurable
Can a Railway Guard get income protection insurance?
Railway guards are exposed to a moderate level of occupational risk. Railway guards face the risk of injury from a train crash accident and from and fall accidents from moving within a train. To account for these risks, railway guards qualify for third-class income protection insurance.
Status: moderate risk- insurable
Can a Railway Worker get income protection insurance?
Railways workers face a risk level at work. Railway workers are at risk of experiencing a train crash accident. Which can lead to serious and even fatal injuries. Railway workers are also at risk of electrocution from high voltage electricity. Considering the high level of risk involved in the occupation, railway workers do not qualify for income protection insurance.
Status: declined- uninsurable
Can a Refuse Collector get income protection insurance?
Refuse collectors are exposed to a high level of occupational risk. Working in waste disposal means they may be exposed to toxic substances in waste that can have negative health impacts. Refuse collectors are also exposed to the risk of musculoskeletal injuries from manual handling of heavy waste materials. Refuse collectors often work on rubbish trucks and motor vehicles which exposes them to the risk of a road accident. Exposure to such a high-risk level means that refuse collectors do not qualify for income protection insurance.
Status: declined- uninsurable
Can a Road Sweeper get income protection insurance?
Road sweepers operate at a high level of risk. Working on roads means they are at risk of being hit by a moving vehicle, which can lead to serious and even fatal injuries. Road sweepers are also at risk of breathing difficulties from inhalation of dust particles. Road sweepers also face a large number of ergonomic risks, working in bent-down positions for long periods of time. Considering such risks, road sweepers cannot qualify for income protection insurance.
Status: declined- uninsurable
Can a School Principal (to 65) get income protection insurance?
School principals are exposed to a low risk level. Much of their work is sedentary and takes place within an office setting. Considering the minimal risks faced by school principals, those in the occupation qualify for first-class income protection insurance.
Status: low risk- insurable
Can a School Teacher get income protection insurance?
School teachers operate at a moderate risk level. Working in a classroom heightens the risk of slip, trip, and fall accidents, and fire hazards, especially when working with younger children. School teachers are also at risk of occupational illnesses caused by high-stress working environments. To account for these risks, school teachers qualify for third-class income protection insurance.
Status: Moderate risk- insurable
Can a Social Worker get income protection insurance?
Social workers are exposed to a moderate level of occupational risk. Social workers face a higher risk of assault at work, exposure to illegal drugs, and a high level of occupational stress. To account for these risks, social workers qualify for third-class income protection insurance.
Status: Moderate risk- insurable
Can a Traffic Warden get income protection insurance?
Traffic wardens experience a number of occupational risks. Working on the road means that traffic wardens are at risk of being hit by a moving vehicle or bicycle. Traffic wardens also face a number of ergonomic risks from being on their feet for long time periods. Accounting for these risks, traffic wardens qualify for third-class income protection insurance.
Status: Moderate risk- insurable
Can a Transport inspector get income protection insurance?
Transport inspectors operate at a mild level of risk. Working on a moving vehicle heightens the risk of slip, trip, and fall accidents and the chance of a crash. Considering such risks, transport inspectors qualify for second-class income protection insurance.
Status: Mild risk- insurable
Can a Water Treatment Operator get income protection insurance?
A water treatment operator is a government employee who is in charge of managing machines that transfer or treat water. A large amount of the water that is being treated by a water treatment operator is wastewater. Wastewater contains pathogens that can expose the operator to waterborne disease. In addition to disease, water treatment operators encounter many other risks such as exposure to toxic chemicals and gases, drowning, and accidents resulting in injuries such as pulled muscles and spinal injury. Due to the high-risk nature of this career, a water treatment officer can avail of fourth-class income insurance.
Status: High risk- insurable
Can a Welfare Officer (to 55) get income protection insurance?
A welfare officer’s role is to be responsible for safeguarding public welfare. This role may be employed in a variety of sectors where necessary, most often in schools, police forces, or other community facilities. Generally, welfare officers are concerned with the welfare of children or other vulnerable groups. These welfare officers can be exposed to volatile environments while carrying out their work. There is a moderate risk of physical or mental abuse to a welfare officer. This can lead to injuries resulting in an absence from work or poor mental health. Due to these reasons, a welfare officer qualifies for third-class income insurance.
Status: Moderate risk- insurable