Income insurance protects your income if you unexpectedly can’t work due to injury or illness.
It’s an easy way to help protect your financial future, and ensure your lifestyle and family are protected in any event.

Can Air Traffic Controllers get income protection insurance?
Air Traffic Control is an essential role in the Irish Aviation sector. However, air traffic control is a high-risk occupation. Injuries caused by crashes, extreme weather conditions, and faulty equipment are all possible within the role. Air traffic controllers cannot insure their income because of these risks.
Status: Denied – uninsurable
Can an Aircraft Engineer get income protection insurance?
Aircraft Engineers are key workers in the aviation industry, researching, designing, engineering, and maintaining safe aircraft. There are a number of risks associated with aircraft engineering. Aircraft engineers face the possibility of injury from malfunctioning equipment, fallen parts, falling from a height (working on scaffolding), and muscle strain or chemical burns. As a result of these risks, Aircraft Engineer is considered a relatively high-risk occupation. Aircraft engineers can receive Class 3 income insurance, which protects income up until age 65 (unless stated otherwise).
Status: Moderate risk- insurable
Can an Aircraft Fitter get income protection insurance?
Aircraft fitters work to assemble and maintain safe aircraft. They work with an array of potentially dangerous equipment on a daily basis that could malfunction and cause injury. For this reason, aircraft fitting is deemed a class 3 occupation with a relatively high risk of a claim. Aircraft fitters can receive Class 3 income insurance, which protects income up until age 65 (unless stated otherwise).
Status: Moderate risk- insurable
Can an Airline Pilot get income protection insurance?
Airline pilots are responsible for safely operating aircraft and maintaining the safety of onboard passengers. Pilots face the possibility of plane crashes, causing harm to themselves and their passengers. Airline pilots cannot receive income protection due to the high level of risk involved in the occupation.
Status: Denied- uninsurable
Can a Baggage Handler get income protection insurance?
Baggage handlers are responsible for handling and loading baggage onto and off airplanes. This job requires a high level of strength and manual handling techniques. Workers are exposed to a great risk of physical injury which can leave them hurt and unable to do the required work. Due to this great risk, baggage handlers are declined income protection.
Status: Denied- uninsurable
Can Cabin Crew get income protection insurance?
Cabin Crew are necessary for the protection of plane passengers on every flight. They inform passengers of safety measures, carry out instructions from the pilot, and ensure passengers are comfortable and enter and exit the aircraft safely. Working on an aircraft is a high-risk occupation because of the risk of crashes. Cabin crew workers do not qualify for income protection.
Status: Denied- uninsurable
Can Helicopter Pilots get income protection insurance?
Helicopter Pilots face a high level of risk operating and driving helicopter planes. Helicopter pilots are also responsible for the safety of passengers and are liable for their protection. Helicopter pilots can experience crashes, both on land or in the water posing a major risk to their life and health. Helicopter pilots are also prone to health conditions like chronic stress, insomnia, and deep vein thrombosis. Helicopter pilots do not qualify for income protection due to such high risks.
Status: Denied- uninsurable
Can a Ground Host get income protection insurance?
A ground host assists flight passengers on the ground (in the airport) before or after their flight. Ground hosts face less obvious safety risks on the ground in comparison to cabin crew. However, there are still a number of risks in working with airline passengers. Ground hosts are more open to viral or transmittable diseases and often work in stressful work situations dealing with timing logistics and unhappy passengers. Working within an airport generally is less safe than in other workplaces due to the risk of crashes (into the building). Ground hosts can therefore qualify for class three income insurance.
Status: moderate risk- insurable